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Canale Italia

Ha preso il via ieri su sito di E-Bay l'asta degli oggetti originali della versione cinematografica del musical "The Phantom of The Opera". Sono oltre 100 gli articoli in vendita in questa iniziativa organizzata da A.L. Webber in occasione dell'uscita del film in DVD (in Italia in vendita dal 4 maggio). L'asta si concluderà il 29 aprile. Per chi fosse interessato, l'indirizzo internet esatto è
questo. Ecco l'elenco completo degli articoli proposti:

"Cupid" costume and mask from Masquerade scene
"Dick Turpin" costume & mask from the Masquerade Ball
"Oriental Man" shoes and face mask from Masquerade
"Sylvan Glade" ballet dancer"s green embroidered fan
5-piece Sun King costume & mask from Masquerade
Agent Provocateur riding crop from Masquerade scene
Andre's black shoes, as worn by Simon Callow
Andre's top hat, as worn by Simon Callow
Andre's walking stick, as used by Simon Callow
Black & White felt hat from "Masquerade" scene
Carlotta Hannibal headdress as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta mask & headdress as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's burgundy gloves as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's dark purple muff - set dressing
Carlotta's Don Juan shoes, as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's hand mirror, as used by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Hannibal jewelry as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Hannibal jewelry as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Hannibal shoes as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's II Muto shoes, as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Masquerade dress as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Masquerade jewelry - worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's Masquerade shoes, as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's pink fur cape, as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's pink fur muff, as carried by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's pink headscarf, as worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's pink satin shoe, from the Prima Donna scene
Carlotta's Prima Donna jewelry worn by Minnie Driver
Carlotta's purple corset, as worn by Minnie Driver
Chandelier crystals: chain of 10 Swarovski crystals
Chandelier crystals: chain of 20 Swarovski crystals
Chandelier crystals: chain of 5 Swarovski crystals
Chandelier crystals: chain of 5 Swarovski crystals
Chandelier crystals: chain of 5 Swarovski crystals
Chinese Empress costume: top, shoes and mask
Christine"s "cemetery" boots, as worn by Emmy Rossum
Christine's "Masquerade" Mask, as worn by Emmy Rossum
Christine's "Masquerade" shoes, as worn by Emmy Rossum
Christine's Hannibal costume, as worn by Emmy Rossum
Christine's Wedding Dress, as worn by Emmy Rossum
Complete "Cat1 costume from the Masquerade Ball scene
Complete "Greek Goddess" costume from Masquerade
Complete "Queen Bee" 8-piece costume from Masquerade
Don Juan Triumphant red & gold curtain tassel
Feather quills: used by the Phantom to write his notes
Firmin"s cream leather gloves as worn by Ciaran Hinds
Firmin"s top hat, as worn by Ciaran Hinds
Firmin"s walking stick, as used by Ciaran Hinds
Full 6-piece lilac II Muto "Confidante’ costume
Gustave Daae plaque from chapel scene
II Muto "Confidante" lilac tricorn hat and fan
II Muto full 5-piece yellow "fop" costume
II Muto full 6 piece blue "fop" costume & fan
Letter to Andre from the Phantom/Opera Ghost
Letter to Carlotta from the Phantom/Opera Ghost
Letter to Firmin from the Phantom/Opera Ghost
Letter to firmin from the Phantom/Opera Ghost
Letter to Raoul from the Phantom/Opera Ghost
Madame Giry's boots, as worn by Miranda Richardson
Madame Giry's cane, as used by Miranda Richardson
Madame Giry's fan, as held by Miranda Richardson
Madame Giry's necklace as worn by Miranda Richardson
Meg's "Masquerade" gloves, as worn by Jennifer Ellison
Meg's Don Juan costume. As worn by Jennifer Ellison
Meg's Hannibal costume, as worn by Jennifer Ellison
Meg's nightgown, as worn by Jennifer Ellison
Military Lady - complete costume from Masquerade Ball.
Mounted Phantom mask in signed presentation case
Old Giry's black gloves as worn by Miranda Richardson
Old Raoul's top hat as worn by Patrick Wilson
Opera Populaire auction magazines - pair
Opera Populaire Cafe Menus: set of two
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Original mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Phantom's "Don Juan" lair design/drawing: Carlotta
Phantom's "Don Juan" lair design/drawing: Don Juan
Phantom's "Don Juan" wax figurines: complete set of 8
Phantom's "II Muto" wax figurines: complete set of 7
Phantom's "Red Death" mask, as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's black leather gloves as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's black leather gloves as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's black leather shoes, as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's black leather shoes, as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's cufflinks & "skull" pin worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's Don Juan lair design/drawing Christine/Aminta
Phantom's Don Juan lair design/drawing: flamenco dancer
Phantom's Don Juan lair design/drawing: Piangi
Phantom's Don Juan mask, as worn by Gerard Butler
Phantom's Don Juan Triumphant score in leather binder
Phantom's wax envelope "skull" seals: set of 3
Phantom's wax stamp: creates "skull" seals in hot wax
Phantom's white half mask. As worn by Gerard Butler
Piangi's "Hannibal" cloak, as worn by Victor McGuire
Piangi's "Hannibal" helmet, as worn by Victor McGuire
Piangi's 2-piece Hannibal outfit worn by Victor McGuire
Poster signed by Butler, Rossum, Driver, Wilson, etc
Poster signed by Butler, Rossum, Driver, Wilson, etc
Poster signed by Butler, Rossum, Driver, Wilson, etc
Raoul's black leather shoes, as worn by Patrick Wilson
Raoul's brown leather gloves as worn by Patrick Wilson
Raoul's leather riding boots, as worn by Patrick Wilson
Raoul's sword, as carried by Patrick Wilson
Reyer's conductor"s baton, as used by Murray Melvin
Reyer's mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Reyer's mask from "Masquerade" scene of "Phantom"
Reyer's Opera Populaire music folder with 5 manuscripts
Set of 2 "Opera Populaire" programs
Set of 2 "Opera Populaire" programs
Set of 5 international film posters
Set of 5 international film posters
Swarovksi crystal tiara as worn in the Masquerade scene
Swarovski crystal tiara & hair clip set from Masquerade
The Phantom's black cape, as worn by Gerard Butler
Tombstone Portrait of Christine from final scene
Turban as worn by ballet boys in Hannibal scene
Young Phantom's hessian Hood from flashback sequence

Copyright ©2005 musical.it 23/04/2005, ore 11,00

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Ruthie Henshall è la nuova "Woman in White"
Nuovo look per il sito istituzionale di Compagnia della Rancia
"Rocky Horror Show": ad agosto show d'addio in Italia e in Germania
Stage Holding compra teatro a Parigi e pensa all'Italia
A Milano e Roma "Patrizia", musical di Foà e Concato
Lutto per il Santo Padre: anche il mondo dello spettacolo aderisce
Brooke Shields sarà Roxie in "Chicago" a Londra
Stomp in scena a Roma
"The Busker's Opera" allo Strehler di Milano
Judy Craymer, produttrice di "Mamma Mia!" tra i più ricchi in Inghilterra
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Un nuovo musical di Gianluca Terranova

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